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Applied Digital Learning

Organized Desk
ADL Pathway: Text
Portfolio Web Design

EDLD 5303:
Applying Educational
Technology: E-Portfolio

Fall 2021

In this course, I learned about and created an e-portfolio. This e-portfolio gave me choice in how I turned in assignments and allowed me to express myself through my creation.

EDLD 5305:
Disruptive Innovation
in Technology

Fall 2021

In this course, I learned about disrupting innovation. We explored topics such as progressive education and created or own Innovation Plan. With help from my collaborative group, we proposed to personalize the future of education by implementing a Blended Learning environment at  school.

Light Bulb
ADL Pathway: Projects

EDLD 5302:
Concepts of Educational Technology

Spring 2022

In this course, I learned more about how to learn. We explored the concept growth mindset and created a Growth Mindset Plan for our organization. We also learned more about the COVA Approach and incorporated it in our Learning Manifesto. 

EDLD 5304:
Leading Organizational Change

Spring 2022

In this course, I learned to become an agent of change. I focused on implementing my Innovation Project, by reflecting on my why and creating models and strategies to influence and execute change. I also learned how to be a self-differentiated leader in order to have the crucial conversations needed to implement the change I seek. 

ADL Pathway: Projects
ADL Pathway: Text

EDLD 5389:
Developing Effective Professional Learning

Spring 2022

According to the article, Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability, most professional development today is ineffective (Gulamhussein, 2013). It neither changes teacher practice nor improves student learning.

This page is dedicated to the Professional Learning Plan that my colleagues, Veronica Balli, Ileana Reyna, and I created to implement Blended Learning: Personalizing the Future of Education in our school, Victor Fields Elementary. 

EDLD 5313:
Creating Significant Learning Environments

Spring 2022

When creating significant learning environments like we have envisioned in our innovation project, Blended Learning: Personalizing the Future of Education, Veronica Balli, Ileana Reyna, and myself have had to consider many factors. 

We began the semester learning about cultivating imagination by reading A New Culture of Learning - Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change by Thomas & Brown (2011) which helped shape our minds in what we want to see in our innovation project. 


EDLD 5317:
Resources and Digital Environments

Summer 2022

In this course, we learned about the power of educational technology and how to share our knowledge through publication. Below you will learn more about how we used adaptive programs in a blended learning environment in order to enhance and personalize learning for our students.

EDLD 5315:
Assessing Digital Learning

Summer 2022

In this course, I was able to collaboratively explore action research and how it can be applied to education. Not only were my co-workers, Veronica BalliIleana Reyna, and I able to dive deeper into our innovation plan, Blended Learning: Personalizing the Future of Education, but we were also able to focus our research on the use of adaptive digital programs within our blended learning environments.

action research.jpeg

EDLD 5318:
Instructional Design

Fall 2022

EDLD 5318: Instructional Design is one of my final courses in the ADL program. In this course, I am learning and analyzing online learning and design by creating a 5-week blended learning course. To learn more about my instructional design, click the button below. 

EDLD 5320:
Synthesis of Digital Learning

Fall 2022

My final course in the ADL program is 5320: Synthesis of Digital Learning. In this course, I am exploring, analyzing, and REFLECTING a whole lot on the entire ADL journey, and what an amazing journey it has been. To learn more about my ADL Journey, click on the button below. 


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