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Implementation Outline: Welcome

Blended Learning:

Personalizing the Future of Education 

By: Erika Peña
In collaboration with:
Veronica Balli and Ileana Reyna


          Blended learning is a student-centered formal education program, where students learn in part through online learning with some element of time, place, and/or pace and in part, through a supervised brick and mortar location (Horn and Staker, 2015).

          Blended learning will be piloted at Victor Fields Elementary School in a 4th grade classroom and the Dyslexia Lab to give students the opportunity to engage in a student-centered personalized learning environment.  With increased personalization and teacher support, students will have the opportunity to become more successful, motivated, and engaged learners. 

          McAllen ISD has a well-established infrastructure, and all students are assigned either an iPad or a Chromebook, so piloting a blended learning model at Fields Elementary will be more accessible.


          We will explore the benefits of blended learning, specifically how implementing a blended learning model with personalized and targeted instruction will lead to higher engagement, motivation and ownership. Our ultimate goal is for students to create their own personalized path towards more meaningful work. 

Phase I: Research and Discussion Phase (October-December 2021)


  • Blended learning models- Station Rotation, Flipped Classroom and Lab Rotation

  • Case studies - Study successful implementations and challenges of blended learning in elementary schools. Learn how schools have overcome challenges.

  • Online resources- Adaptive and equitable programs

Establish learning goals and objectives

  • Create a SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) 

  • Present Innovation Plan to Administration and get permission to begin the innovation project.

Phase II: Planning Phase  (January-July 2022)

Planning and Developing 

  • Create a blended learning executive team (V. Balli, E. Peña, and I. Reyna)

  • Meet once a week with executive team for planning 

  • Debrief on any challenges or changes needed to be made

  • Discuss the alternative roles we will be implementing such as tutoring, extra support, and enrichment to supplement online lessons

  • Determine if the physical space we have will enhance the blended learning experience and make any changes necessary

  • Identify the adaptive software program(s) we will be using during our pilot phase

  • Create a survey for students and parents to determine what students’ preferred learning styles are, what motivates them, and what they wish they could change

  • Plan and debrief with administration every six weeks

  • Continue to research effective blended learning pedagogy

Phase III: Pilot Phase (August 2022-May 2023)

2022-2023 School Year: Initiate year-long Pilot Phase with Fourth Grade and Dyslexia students. As we begin to shift into a blended learning model, the classroom will begin to be more student-centered and lessons will be personalized to the needs of each student.

  • Create a measurement of success 

    • How will we measure student success?

    • What data will be used to measure success?

  • Fourth grade and Dyslexia students will be introduced to what blended learning is and how this will give them choice, ownership, and voice in their learning to encourage motivation and engagement.  

  • Students will learn how to self-pace their learning with the online adaptive programs, collaborate in groups and participate in teacher-led small group instruction.

  • Invite campus teachers, district Dyslexia teachers, and administrators into our classrooms so they may witness blended learning in action.

  • Create a survey mid-year for students and parents to help determine what they liked and/or disliked about the blended learning program. 

    • Did they feel like they had choice, ownership, and voice through their learning? 

  • Debrief with all stakeholders; administration, teachers, students, and parents. 

Phase IV: Reflection, Feedback, and Adjustment Phase (June - August 2023)

Reflect on Pilot Phase

  • Engagement, motivation, and student achievement

  • Assessing and Celebrating the Successes of the Pilot Phase

  • Dissect data and discuss adjustments

  • Meet with campus administrators to present findings and discuss further implementation goals

    • Discuss any further supports needed

Phase V: Expansion and School-wide Implementation Initiative (August 2023)

  • Create an Implementation Guide to add more Blended Learning classrooms with the goal of implementing school-wide

  • Conduct professional development for campus teachers

  • Conduct professional development for district Dyslexia teachers

  • Move forward with expansion and school-wide implementation


Horn, M., Staker, H. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve 

schools. Jossey-Bass A Wiley Brand.

Implementation Outline: Text
Implementation Outline: Quote
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