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Collaborative Professional Development

When it comes to PL, collaboration is key. After seeing Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Collaborative Professional Development, I realized the power of an effective Collaborative Professional Development session. I absolutely loved the idea of having the Principal be the LEAD-learner and also participating in the PD learning. With this approach the teachers and administrators are co-learning. This is beneficial in many ways, for example if a teacher needs some extra help or assistance, someone else is available to help, including administrators. Administrators can also co-teach with their staff to promote unity and synergy.

I also love the fact that the board and teachers in the video, decided that instead of brining an outside person, that does not know the students and staff, to conduct a one size fits all PD session, teachers were able to chose what PD session they wanted attend and learn more about. They were also able to learn from each other, which showcases collaborative learning at it's best. I am a firm believer that the best PD is the teacher next door, because we all have a genius that we can share with others. Personally, I have learned so much valuable teaching methods and strategies from my fellow teachers on campus. This was a great way to promote COVA in PL. Just like students need Choice, Ownership, and Voice through Authentic learning opportunities, we as educators can also use COVA for our Professional Learning. References: EdCan Network. (2016, May 19). Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Collaborative Professional Development. YouTube. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from

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