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Flipped PL

As I started this course, I began to see the correlation of students needs and teachers needs. We always had students learning in mind but did not think about the learning teachers do during professional learning sessions (PL). We are both learners and deserve learning environments that offer us flexibility, choice, and self-paced learning as an option. After watching Modeling-Based (Flipped) Professional Development at Rutgers University - Dr. Lodge McCammon, I was in awe by how different their PL looked from the traditional PL. I loved how this blended learning PL felt. I could see professionals learning at their own pace, smiling, collaborating, and having fun while learning. A couple of take always that made a huge impact and I would like to include in our PL sessions would be the use of short video lessons, the collaboration, and the walk and talks. By making and incorporating short learning videos, teachers can learn, pause, and replay when needed. This form of self paced learning will not only cut PL session times, but also will allow teachers to go back and re-watch those videos as needed. After watching those videos, collaborating with others, and entering in discourse teachers will learn from each other than just the presenter. Lastly, the walk and talks. I love the idea of getting up and walking around while chatting about the new learning. For our PL Plan, we are implementing a Blended Learning Environment to learn about and implement Blended Learning at our campus. We are planning on having a rotation station model where teachers have choice, ownership, and voice through an authentic learning opportunities. After watching this video we will also ensure to add short learning videos, collaboration, and walk and talks. Resource: McCammon, L. (2015, April 15). Modeling-Based (Flipped) Professional Development at Rutgers University. YouTube. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from

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