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Learning Revolution!

As I was listening to Sir Ken Robinson in his TED Talk: Bring on the learning Revolution, I couldn't help but think about the WHY behind my innovation project: Blended Learning: Personalizing the Future of Education.

As Sir Robinson states, reforming education is not enough because we can not reform a broken system. Instead, we need a REVOLUTION in education. We must transform it into something completely new. He goes on to stated that this new system must move away from the industrial model of education where the learning is linear and students conform and are batched together, and move towards an agricultural model where the learning is more of an organic process. Through this model, we would customize and personalize education for the students that are actually in front of us instead of teaching students where they "should" be because of some outdated model (Robinson, 2010). For this specific reason, my colleagues/classmates and I are proposing the implementation of a Blended Learning Model in our school. This will allow us to personalize the learning for each student. Although we alone can not Revolutionize Education, we all can make small changes within our own organizations that can lead to a more organic process of learning, one that is tailored to each student. References Bring on the learning revolution! | Sir Ken Robinson. (2010, May 24). YouTube. Retrieved March 30, 2022, from

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