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e-Portfolio?! đŸ˜ŹđŸ€”

Like many of you have posted in our discussion boards, I too felt (and still feel) nervous and anxious about starting an eportfolio! I kept asking myself, "but what is it?" "What do I include?"

"By when should it be ready?"

After reading the article, What is an ePortfolio?, something clicked. The simplicity of the definition, "e-portfolios are a learner's digital evidence of learning." đŸ€Ż This article helped me make the connection between my teacher-self and my student-self. In my class, I use an app called Seesaw, where my students have digital assignments and journal entries. On this app, they are able to work on digital assignments I have created, upload pictures of group work, and record their voices and or videos in their journal. They are able to show their parents their evidence of learning. That's when it hit me, their Seesaw journal is their version of an e-portfolio, in a student friendly way, of course.

This website will be MY evidence of learning. I will not only attach my assignments on here, but also blogs, pictures, quotes, etc so I can share with others.

I have also come to realize that it won't ever be "completed" because it is an ongoing portfolio that will constantly be growing and changing, as I do. This realization has helped calm my nerves a bit. (Just a bit.) 😁

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