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Professional Learning Networks

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

What are Professional Learning Networks (PLNs)? According to National Geographic (2017), PLNs are formed by teachers who want to work together—teachers who see every day as an opportunity to both share amazing things that they do and learn amazing things from others. And thanks to platforms like Twitter, PLNs exist for nearly every grade and subject area.

My campus encourages the use of Twitter and Twitter EdChats as a professional learning network. We not only share what goes on in our classrooms, but we also borrow ideas that we learn from our PLNs. I have learned so much by using Twitter professionally and since I am currently a 4th grade teacher trying to implement a Blended Learning model at my elementary school with my coworkers and classmates, Veronica Balli and Ileana Reyna, I have joined new PLNs in order to learn from other educators as well.

Three networks that I am apart of or have recently joined are:

ShakeUp Learning on Twitter and on her Website.

These pages share digital tools, tips, and videos to up our digital learning game. They also provide training and webinars for Blended Learning.

Balance with Blended Learning on Facebook and Twitter.

Dr. Catlin Tucker is a best selling author, trainer, and speaker. She has written several books on Blended Learning.

Dr. Caitlin Tucker provides insights through podcasts, videos, and EdChats.

interACTIVEclass on Twitter and Website.

Education bloggers Kristin and Joe are tech forward teachers that provide tips, resources, and interactive professional development opportunities.

The first community is a PLN that I have been apart of since before beginning my masters program. I joined that community because I wanted to to "shake up" my teaching. I wanted to incorporate more technology and student centered activities in my everyday lessons.

The last two are new communities I recently joined, so I have not been able to interact with them yet, but by scrolling through their Twitter, Facebook, and websites, I have already found some great ideas.

My goal in joining these PLNs is to continue to learn and grow as an educator especially in the areas of edtech, COVA, and blended learning. Follow me on Twitter @MrsEPena


National Geographic. (2017, August 31). The Power of a PLN. National Geographic Education Blog. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from,every%20grade%20and%20subject%20area.

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