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The Power of YET!

I am blessed to say that my school district has implemented EQ (Emotional Quotient) approach for many years now. We explicitly teach and use the SSMES Model, where we teach students about Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills.

On top of that, several years ago at my campus we introduced the power of YET to our students. We wanted to foster a growth mindset and let students know that it is okay not to know something... YET, as long as they kept trying! We used bulletin boards around campus and showed them Growth Mindset videos from Class Dojo throughout the year. I also spent the first few weeks of school teaching my students the "It's all about the GROWTH" motto when it came to testing and challenging concepts.

The students seemed to catch on pretty quickly and began to use the language. They would catch themselves getting frustrated with a topic and would say, "I just don't know this yet" and would keep practicing.

YET, when it came to me being a student again this year, I found myself getting anxious about the unknown and the challenging assignments to come. I was not thinking that the challenge was going to "strengthen my brain," like I instill in my students. Now, looking back at my tenure as an educator, I think to myself, "have I ever practiced Growth Mindset, or have I always used a Fixed Mindset and been hard on myself when I don't know something?"

Going through this program and watching videos such as Developing a Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck and The Power of Belief - Mindset and Success by Eduardo Briceno has helped me realize that I must also practice what I preach and embrace the Power of Yet.

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